Psych ritual trio PRINCE RAMA bestaat uit de zussen Taraka en Nimai Larson en Michael Collins. Hebben juist een fantastisch nieuwe plaat uit op Animal Collective's Paw Tracks label genaamd "Shadow Temple" (zie scheldpaal)!
SUN ARAW oftewel Cameron Stallones, gitarist van Magic Lantern uit Long Beach, Californië. staat solo garant voor psychedelische jams, dark dub, slow African funk, sweeping drones en een bezwete tropische sfeer.
"Raised on a Hare Krishna commune in Florida, educated at art school in Boston, and now making noise and living in Brooklyn, PRINCE RAMA are the latest addition to the Paw Tracks roster. Their new album Shadow Temple is an epic shrine of swirling synths, pulsing guitars, and thunder drums. An ethereal chorus of voices and anthemic melodies create a reverb-washed mine of sonic artifacts drawing from southeast Asian rituals, krautrock legacies, chopped and screwed homages, hallucinatory operas, and dance hall psychedelia. Recorded in Kurt Vonnegut’s grandson’s cabin and a 135-year-old haunted church with the help of Rusty Santos and Animal Collective members Avey Tare and Deakin, Shadow Temple offers itself as a sincere porthole into a mysterious realm that defies material understanding." paw tracks
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