Drumvirtuoos SEAN NOONAN stond in het verleden al verschillende keren op het Scheld'apen podium met z'n welriekende jazzcore companen van "THE HUB". Deze keer is hij te gast met z'n project BREWED BY NOON waar mee hij de samenwerking aangaat met muzikanten van over de hele wereld met wisselende bezetting. Voor deze gelegenheid komt hij spelen met gitarist ARAM BAJAKIAN en JOHN ZORN bassist SHANIR BLUMENKRANZ.
"Brewed by Noon is a fermentation of wandering folk music from the New York progressive jazz scene. Sean Noonan's goal is to adapt folklore into a modern jazz context, merging storytelling and folk music from the Bardic and Griot traditions. Like old wine in new bottles, his mission is to ultimately understand and preserve these ancient traditions by re-interpreting folklore from a modern perspective.
Sean has developed as an astute band-leader, something in the eccentric tradition of Sun-Ra, rallying his band-mates in his boxer's robe, or showing up to rehearsal in the Russian gangster look he's been cultivating of late (mono-color tracksuit, big chains, sunglasses), coalescing his style and ideas into the music, directing an eclectic group of musicians from a variety of different cultures. Through his unique persona, the sincerity of his ideas and - more than anything - his stunningly original music, Sean has managed to put together a band in Brewed by Noon that bridges both generations and cultures."
SHELDON SIEGEL daarentegen is ons favoriete zootje freejazz ongeregelden recht uit het heidense Kalmthout. Great!
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